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What We Experience

We share the untold stories of Asian-American experiences surrounding racism and societal pressures that are often overlooked in our communities. While we share similar experiences, all of our stories are unique. 

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ISSUE NO. 14: What We Experience - Our Springtime


Crowd and lion dancers in the celebration of the chinese New Year in Ho Chi Minh City, Vie
Crowd and lion dancers in the celebration of the chinese New Year in Ho Chi Minh City, Vie

Lunar New Year: A Global Holiday 

by Gabriella Ignacio

Despite coming from a culture that doesn’t celebrate it, my childhood memories of Lunar New Year are both clear and fond. Friends would hand out bright candies, bustling pop-up events scattered the city, and my family routinely visited our go-to Chinese restaurant, where wafting smells of traditional food and overwhelming celebration permeated. However, this positive perception of Lunar New Year has also been somewhat misguided. For a large part of my childhood, I fell into the common misconception of attributing the holiday solely to Chinese culture, and I admittedly know little about its varied interpretations even recently. This year, I sought to explore the numerous cultures beyond China that celebrate this occasion, and hope to recognize some of the lesser-known, but equally important new year traditions. 

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